• Ulica Hrvoja Čustića 12, 23000 Zadar, Croatia
  • +385 (0)95 3848 339

By using our website to book a service or transportation, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and accepted the general terms and conditions.

The owner of the website www.taxi-transfer-zadar.com is the company Taxi Mali Luka j.d.o.o., whose founder and the director is David Petar Martinović.


Transfer means the transport of at least one passenger from the starting point to the destination, or to a pre-agreed address.


The reservation is made online at least 24 hours before the agreed transfer time.

If you want to book a transfer within 24 hours, you must contact our administration service by phone.

When the reservation is accepted, confirmation of the same comes to your e-mail address. Once you receive the confirmation, we will contact you as soon as possible with the details of your transfer.

In case you have made a reservation without a credit card, you must be available on the day of booking, but also 48 hours before the agreed transfer. In case of your unavailability, the transfer will be canceled.

In case we do not have free vehicles, and you made the reservation without paying a deposit of 20% of the value of the ride the reservation will be canceled.

If the reservation was received with a deposit of 20% of the value of the ride, and we have to cancel it for some reason, we will contact you to inform you in time and to refund your account.

If we are not able to make the transfer ourselves, in agreement with you, we will contact you to offer you a backup solution, ie to forward your transfer to our partners for the same agreed price.

The person entering the data is responsible for the correctness of their data and guarantees that the credit card is his / her.

The carrier is not responsible for incorrectly entered or incorrect data.


Taxi Mali Luka j.d.o.o. reserves the right to change prices without prior notice.

For reservations agreed before the price change, the prices according to the conditions under which the reservations were agreed are valid.


If you cancel the transfer at least 48 hours before the agreed date, you will be refunded  the full amount of the deposit. If you paid the full amount in advance, we will refund the full amount.

If you cancel the transfer within 48 hours of the agreed date, you will NOT be refunded the amount paid (deposit). If you paid the full amount we will refund 50%.
